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Special Cargo

Interglobal Cargo is highly skilled in dealing with every type of special shipment – often stepping in to handle projects sidestepped by other shippers. We have developed many special procedures to accept, handle and load cargos that require special and careful attention. We are also very familiar in meeting dangerous goods regulations, which can be very complex to implement.

The main types of special cargo include:

  • Hazardous Goods
  • Fragile Cargo
  • Outsized Cargo
  • Perishable Cargo
  • High-Value Cargo

Hazardous Goods

These are articles and substances that can pose a significant risk to health, safety or property. They can be shipped by air when sipping risks are reduced to acceptable levels by limiting the quantity per package and by careful packing to afford suitable protection during normal transit. Dangerous goods are classified into hazard classes, according to the level of risk. These are defined as follows:

Class 1. Explosives - These are articles and substances capable of mass explosion. They can have a projection hazard, a fire or minor blast hazard, or be very insensitive substances liable to mass explosion.

Class 2. Compressed gases - These include flammable gas, non-flammable gas and toxic gas.

Class 3. Flammable Liquids

Class 4. Flammable Solids - These include flammable solids, spontaneously combustible materials and materials that are dangerous when wet.

Class 5. Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxides

Class 6. Toxic and Infectious Substances

Class 7. Radioactive Materials

Class 8. Corrosive Materials

Class 9. Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods

Fragile Cargo

Any item is defined as ‘fragile cargo’ if it can be easily damaged by jolting, dropping, bumping or rough handling during transit. This includes many commodities made of clay, pottery, china, stone and glass as well as commodities containing liquids.


Fragile cargo is classified as four types:

  • Solid items (i.e. glassware, chinaware, TV tubes)
  • Solid items containing normal liquids (i.e bottles of shampoo)
  • Solid items containing dangerous or expensive liquids (i.e. bottles of alcohol, paints, perfumes)
  • Bulky and easily damaged aircraft components (i.e. flaps, ailerons, elevators).

Interglobal Cargo checks that each such cargo has the appropriate packaging with enough absorbent material to counter any shock, or to absorb any liquid in the container if broken. We also ensure that all such packages are marked with 'Fragile' and 'This Side Up' labels.

Outsized Cargo

We classify cargo as ‘outsized’ if it cannot be loaded in the lower compartments of a vessel or on one pallet. Such cargo will demand special arrangements for port-side equipment, loading/unloading procedures and ground stops as well as special storage facilities.

Perishable Cargo

Interglobal Cargo has developed special methods and time-sensitive techniques to handle items subject to decay, deterioration or decomposition. Such commodities will typically include dairy products, meats, deep frozen products, fish, fruits and vegetables, plants, flower bulbs, serum and vaccines. Whenever we are assigned to handle perishables, we create a special cargo-handling plan. This includes an in-depth analysis of government requirements at the destination market to reduce delay and risk.

High-Value Cargo

We have considerable expertise in handling high-value items with a declared value exceeding $5000. Our handling methods include a series of special precautions and safeguards to ensure that such goods reach their destination safely. Items included on our ‘high value’ list include works of art, banknotes, gems and jewelry, precious metals, negotiable securities, stock certificates and antiques.

6 Kerminiski St. Kidmat Aylon Building, Tel-Aviv 67899, Israel
Tel: 972 3 5617733 Fax: 972 3 5627250 E-mail: info@gbcargo.com
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